The fifth wave is the developing wave of the future key to personal and organizational success in the twenty -first century. The fifth wave will revolutionize how people deal with emotion and psychological impact on expanding knowledge and unrelenting change. More so, the fifth wave focuses on self-discovery that moves to the critical elements of relationship, commitment, accountability. This focus allows organization to clarify and act on core values, which ultimately serve to create tangible and unified culture. Employees who develop the capacity for self-analysis and adaptive learning will provide organizations with a remarkable competitive advantage. In the fifth wave, leaders will require uncomfortable introspection, a willingness to eliminate dysfunctional performances, and determination to model a culture that can tolerate unpredictability, uncertainty and vulnerability. THE 5TH WAVE SERVING AS INNOVATION TO FUTURE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. The 5th wave is very innovative which serves as a key to a countries prosperity, security, better jobs, and better health, as well as responses to coming challenges like energy security and global warming.The thinking of 5th wave as a means of future industrial revolution, we think of steam engines and factories, but in fact, this was only one of many industrial revolutions. There has been a correlation between repeated technological revolutions and the waves of economic growth that carry then. Each of these waves is driven by a carrier-branch technology. There was a definition given to this as a new way of doing this so much more efficiently than the old ways that it reshapes every aspect of the economy. Here, we are going to look at the five carrier -branch technologies that did aid a countries economy for growth & development in the last 150 years: WATER -POWERED MACHINERY STEAM POWER ELECTRIFICATION THE INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE COMPUTERIZATION. Under the 5th wave future industrial revolution, there is presence of carrier -branch technologies that has a core input, for example coal, or iron, or oil, or computer chips, and give rise to a whole secondary economy of supporting industries and social institutions. Each wave follows a similar economic pattern -the initial invention creates a period of boom, with rising material wealth, but as the technology reaches a point of saturation, the economy enters a downswing or crisis of structural readjustment. These upswings in the past lasted from 20 years to 30 years each, leading to a total cycle time of around 50 years The first practical steam locomotive, kicking off a two- decade long railroad -building boom. Better mining techniques lowered the cost of iron and coal, while railroad barons made immense fortunes and businessmen everywhere benefited from the lowered cost of transport. Tourism, hotels, restaurants, and national markets all owe their origins to the low cost and high speed of rail travel. The demands of financing and administering the new railroads led to new forms of social organization such as the joint stock corporation, dedicated administrators,and new educational institutions. Humanity in the year 2100 In order to express the broadness and also wideness of the options, Dr. Kaku points on the Kardashev Scale created by Soviet astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev. The scale, while purely theoretical, puts forward a simple framework for evaluating the technical development of any civilization originating from a cosmic perspective. The scale begins at Type I and advances all of the right way to Type III, and that is aproximatelly 10-100 billion times better compared to a type II civilization: Type I: Energizes its machines and cities with all the electricity which arrives at the planet earth. Type II: Harnesses the strength of the sunshine. The physicist Freeman Dyson has postulated that a huge sphere may be positioned around a mother star to absorb its lighting. Type III: This's the realm of Star Trek and Empire Strikes Back. Each and every star is a thermonuclear furnace, along with a galactic civilization would really wear the power to drive machines efficiently and cleanly. And so exactly where does fashionable human our society spring? Simple, says Dr. Kaku. We are type 0.7. Making use of dead organisms and plants to power devices is a comparatively archaic type of fueling the world of ours. But there is hope: annually, earth createsone3 % more energy than the 1 before, which places us merely approximately hundred years away from being a sort I along with a 1,000 years from turning into a type II civilization. "In aproximatelly hundred years time, the power output of the world will likely be much like the total length of sunshine which hits the planet itself," he adds. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9892858